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- MONDO JUMBO Wall RAXX Kit 10 rolls up to 60" wide. MEDIA Max roll size 6.5"
MONDO JUMBO Wall RAXX Kit 10 rolls up to 60" wide. MEDIA Max roll size 6.5"
MONDO JUMBO Wall RAXX Kit 10 rolls up to 60" wide. MEDIA Max roll size 6.5"
Product Description
Mounts to Any Surface with the Proper Hardware Great for vinyl media or large for matt with a max roll size of 6.5" The 2 Rack Rails, Left and Right are 71" top to bottom. The bracket sticks out 4.5" from the wall with the pole core center at 3.5" Max roll size 6.5" You can use 50yd rolls Contents – Left (marked) and Right aluminum Racks only We do not supply the poles. We recommend 1"steel conduit or aluminum poles that are cut to your size requirements. You can get the poles at Home Depot-Lowes or your local hardware store.
Note: The strength and usefulness of this rack will be determined by the proper mounting hardware used for your particular wall. Spend the money on high-quality and correct mounting hardware! A lifetime of satisfaction can be achieved!